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श्रीमद्वाल्मीकीय रामायण, केवल हिन्दी | Shrimadvalmikiya Ramayan, Hindi only

श्रीमद्वाल्मीकीय रामायण, केवल हिन्दी | Shrimadvalmikiya Ramayan, Hindi only

Regular price Rs. 350.00
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श्रीमद्वाल्मीकीय रामायण, द्वितीय खण्ड में भगवान के दिव्य गुणों का वर्णन है. इसमें सत्य, सौहार्द, दया, क्षमा, मृदुता, धीरता, गम्भीरता, ज्ञान, पराक्रम, प्रज्ञा-रंजकता, गुरुभक्ति, मैत्री, करुणा, शरणागत-वत्सलता जैसे गुणों का वर्णन है।

Discover the timeless wisdom of the Shrimadvalmikiya Ramayan, now available in Hindi only. Immerse yourself in the epic tale of Lord Rama and benefit from the valuable teachings and insights of this ancient scripture. Unlock the power of devotion and dharma with this expertly translated version.

  • Timeless wisdom of the Shrimadvalmikiya Ramayan
  • Available exclusively in Hindi
  • Epic tale of Lord Rama
  • Valuable teachings and insights
  • Emphasis on devotion and dharma
  • Expertly translated for deeper understanding
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