श्रीमद्भागवत गीता साधक संजीवनी | Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Sadhak Sanjivani
श्रीमद्भागवत गीता साधक संजीवनी | Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Sadhak Sanjivani
गीता-साधक-संजीवनी - ब्रह्म लीन श्रद्धेय स्वामी श्रीरामसुखदासजी महाराज ने गीतोक्त जीवन की प्रयोगशाला से दीर्घकालीन अनुसन्धान द्वारा अनन्त रत्नों का प्रकाश इस टीका में उतार कर लोककल्याणार्थ प्रस्तुत किया है, जिससे आत्मकल्याणकामी साधक साधना के चरमोत्कर्ष को आसानी से प्राप्त कर आत्मलाभ कर सकें। इस टीका में स्वामीजी की व्याख्या विद्वत्ता-प्रदर्शन की न होकर सहज करुणा से साधकों के लिये कल्याणकारी है। विविध आकार-प्रकार, भाषा, आकर्षक साज-सज्जा में उपलब्ध यह टीका सद्गुरु की तरह सच्ची मार्गदॢशका है।
Geeta-Sadhak-Sanjivani - Brahma Lean Revered Swami Shri Ram Sukhdasji Maharaj, through long-term research from the laboratory of the life of Geeta, has presented the light of infinite gems in this commentary for the public welfare, so that self-welfare seekers can easily attain the pinnacle of spiritual practice and benefit themselves. Swamiji's explanation in this commentary is not a display of scholarship but is done out of simple compassion for the welfare of the seekers. Available in various sizes, languages and attractive designs, this tika is a true guide like Sadhguru.
Geeta-Sadhak-Sanjivani - Brahma Lean Revered Swami Shri Ram Sukhdasji Maharaj
- Conducted long-term research from the life of Geeta's laboratory
- Presented a commentary with the light of infinite gems for public welfare
- Aims to help self-welfare seekers attain the pinnacle of spiritual practice
- The explanation is driven by simple compassion, not mere scholarship
- Available in various sizes, languages, and attractive designs
- Serves as a true guide, similar to Sadhguru