श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता, रामानुज भाष्य | Shrimad Bhagavad Gita, Ramanuj Bhashya
श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता, रामानुज भाष्य | Shrimad Bhagavad Gita, Ramanuj Bhashya
गीता-रामानुजभाष्य पुस्तकाकार - यह श्रीसम्प्रदाय-प्रवर्तक जगद्गुरु श्रीरामानुजाचार्य द्वारा की गयी विशिष्टाद्वैत सिद्धान्त की पुष्टि में गीता की अद्भुत व्याख्या है, जिसका अनुकरण भक्ति-पक्ष के लगभग सभी आचार्यों द्वारा किया गया है। आचार्यश्री के इस भाष्य में प्रचलित अद्वैतवाद का श्रुति-स्मृतियों के प्रमाणसहित सुन्दर युक्तियों द्वारा खण्डन, भगवद्-आराधनापूर्वक कर्म की आवश्यकता पर बल, आत्मबोध हेतु सतत प्रयास इत्यादि विषयों पर विशद विवेचन है।
Geeta-Ramanujbhashya Book-shaped - This is a wonderful interpretation of the Gita in confirmation of the Vishishtadvaita principle made by Srisampradaya-initiator Jagadguru Sri Ramanujacharya, which has been followed by almost all the Acharyas of the Bhakti side. In this commentary of Acharyashree, there is a detailed discussion on the topics like refutation of the prevalent monism through beautiful arguments along with the evidence of Shruti-Smriti, emphasis on the need for action with devotion to God, continuous efforts for self-realization, etc.
- Geeta-Ramanujbhashya is a notable interpretation of the Gita according to the Vishishtadvaita principle.
- Authored by Jagadguru Sri Ramanujacharya, the initiator of the Srisampradaya.
- This interpretation is widely followed by Acharyas of the Bhakti tradition.
- The commentary includes detailed discussions on:
- Refutation of prevalent monism with well-argued evidence from Shruti and Smriti.
- Emphasis on the necessity of action with devotion to God.
- Continuous efforts for self-realization.