पातञ्जलयोग-प्रदीप | Patanjali Yoga Pradip
पातञ्जलयोग-प्रदीप | Patanjali Yoga Pradip
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पातञ्जलयोग-प्रदीप ग्रन्थाकार - श्रद्धेय श्रीओमानन्द महाराज द्वारा प्रणीत इस ग्रन्थ में पातञ्जलयोग-सूत्रों की व्याख्या तत्त्ववैशारदी, भोजवृत्ति तथा योगवाॢतक के अनुसार विस्तृत रूप से की गयी है। इसमें उपनिषदों तथा भारतीय दर्शनों के विभिन्न तत्त्वों की सुन्दर समालोचना है। इसकी व्याख्या सरल तथा सुगम है। भूमिका रूप में षड्दर्शन-समन्वय तथा तत्त्वविश्लेषण प्रणाली से यह ग्रन्थ और भी उपयोगी हो गया है। यह योगदर्शन के जिज्ञासुओं के लिये नित्य पठनीय है।
Patanjalyoga-Pradeep Granthakaar - In this book written by revered Shri
Omanand Maharaj, the Patanjalyog-sutras have been explained in detail
according to Tattvavaishardi, Bhojavritti and Yogavatak. It contains a
beautiful critique of the Upanishads and various elements of Indian
philosophy. Its explanation is simple and easy. This book has become
even more useful with the introduction of conspiracy-coordination and
meta-analysis system. This is a daily read for those curious about Yoga
Darshan. Published By gitaPress Gorakpur.
- Patanjalyoga-Pradeep Granthakaar is written by the revered Shri Omanand Maharaj.
- The book provides a detailed explanation of Patanjalyog-sutras.
- It includes interpretations based on Tattvavaishardi, Bhojavritti, and Yogavatak.
- Features a beautiful critique of the Upanishads and various elements of Indian philosophy.
- The explanations are presented in a simple and easy-to-understand manner.
- The book includes a conspiracy-coordination and meta-analysis system for enhanced usefulness.
- Recommended as a daily read for those curious about Yoga Darshan.