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Dharmkshetra | धर्मक्षेत्र

मानस रहस्य | Manasa Rahasya

मानस रहस्य | Manasa Rahasya

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मानस-रहस्य पुस्तकाकार - यह पुस्तक वैकुण्ठवासी श्रीजयरामदास जी (दीन)-के कल्याण के विभिन्न अंकों में पूर्व प्रकाशित श्रीरामचरितमानस के विभिन्न प्रसंगों पर ३५ लेखों का अनुपम संकलन है। इसमें रामावतार का रहस्य, कलियुग का पुण्यप्रताप, सीतातत्त्व, श्रीभरत-यश-चन्द्र आदि प्रसंगों पर अत्यन्त सुन्दर विवेचन किया गया है।

Manas-Rahasya book form - This book is a unique compilation of 35 
articles on various topics of Shri Ramcharitmanas previously published 
in different issues of Kalyan of Vaikuntha resident Shri Jairamdas 
Ji (Din). In this, the mystery of Ramavatar, the glory of Kaliyuga, 
Sita Tattva, Shri Bharat-Yash-Chandra etc. have been discussed very 
beautifully. Published By GitaPress Gorakpur.
  • The book Manas-Rahasya is a unique compilation of 35 articles.
  • These articles cover various topics related to Shri Ramcharitmanas.
  • The articles were previously published in different issues of Kalyan.
  • The work is associated with Vaikuntha resident Shri Jairamdas Ji (Din).
  • Topics discussed include the mystery of Ramavatar, the glory of Kaliyuga, Sita Tattva, and Shri Bharat-Yash-Chandra.
  • The discussions are presented in a very beautiful manner.

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